Global warming is an emotionally charged word for most and is commonly referred to as climate change. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on which course of action to take to repair our planet, but the end goal is the same: a brighter future where we unite to save our planet. Climate change comes out on top as the most important topic of debate in the primary election. The time to cast your vote is rapidly approaching, so here are where the five democratic candidates stand on the issue.
Bernie Sanders
Bernie seems to be the center of attention right now for most millennial and Gen X voters with his exciting claims for the future. With climate change being the primary debate topic for democratic forums, it’s no surprise that Bernie sees climate change as “the single greatest challenge facing our country.” His approach would allocate $16 trillion over the next decade, which places him at the highest price point of any candidate. His goal is to completely transition to 100% renewable energy sources, while simultaneously creating 20 million jobs. He aims to do this by providing transitional resources for those who work in fossil fuels. Considering all of his current claims and his central focus on this issue, he comes out on top as the candidate who would seemingly take the most action stepping into the White House.
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth wants to face this issue head-on and shift our government’s focus to the future, rather than protecting big businesses such as the fossil fuel industry. She plans to fund her plan with $2 trillion over 10 years to assist in the goals of the Green New Deal. She claims that climate change would be the utmost priority in the Warren administration. Her plan would be put into place by using the power of the big government agencies and changing it from the inside out. This includes a multifaceted plan focusing on green infrastructure, manufacturing, and jobs, as well as protecting clean air and water. With Warren, there is no small and simple fix; to her, the answer to repairing the damage on our planet is starting from scratch and rebuilding the way our government works.
Pete Buttigieg
Buttigieg falls around the middle of the road for action on climate change compared to other candidates. He has a plan to make all electricity without carbon emissions by 2035 and then eliminate carbon emissions by 2040. This plan would cost between $1.5 and $2 trillion over the next few decades, which some say is more feasible than other plans. His plan compares to some other candidates with its focus on clean energy but doesn’t seem quite as radical and widespread. He also notes that an important part of his plan is disaster preparedness: prioritizing the safety of Americans in case of disaster with funded infrastructure projects. Pete has a split focus on the climate while remaining realistic in his efforts. Unlike his competitors, Buttigieg does not support an immediate ban on fracking, but rather focuses on gradual replacement with clean energy systems.
Joe Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden is relying heavily on his environmental contributions in the ’80s to combat skeptics’ comments that he would be too moderate on his stance for climate change. Since this is his third time running for office, while also serving as the former VP, he has an interesting role here. While he has the advantage of riding along with Obama’s former climate plans, he is still trying to bounce back from the claims that his $1.7 trillion plan was compiled from plagiarized information from other previously published documents. He has fought off these claims and put forth his best attempt to push climate change as one of his main platforms in the race. Biden’s plan of action would increase spending by trillions, as well as put taxes in place on emissions. He claims that if he is elected, by 2050 all carbon emissions will be halted. He believes that we can’t pursue climate policy alone; trade policy is just as important. Biden states that he will get China to reduce emission rates by enforcing trade restrictions to limit their contribution to emission levels.
Michael Bloomberg
Former New York mayor, Mike Bloomberg, is considered an environmental philanthropist who has donated large sums to environmental groups in the past. He plans to take action on climate change by focusing on clean energy while also closing down coal-powered plants. By 2028 he claims that a majority of US energy sources will be renewable. Bloomberg aims to reinforce strict limits on pollutant levels during his administration, that the Trump administration previously rolled back. The only funding that he included in his proposal is $25 billion to fund research for renewable energy sources. He faces skepticism from groups such as the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund who rank him last of the candidates for climate action. This is partially due to the fact that he has provided no budget for his plan or how he would pay for these changes.
While the candidate’s platforms on climate change may differ in intensity, funding, and strategies, all candidates have the goal of taking the first steps to repair our climate. At this point, we can’t reverse what we have done, but we can most definitely vote for candidates that have a plan in place for our future. For more information on the candidate’s stance on these issues, visit politico.com. While your vote is a valuable effort in the fight against climate change, you can extend your impact past the political arena. Demand Wealth’s Hope portfolio allows you to invest your money according to your liberal values. The Hope portfolio focuses on diverse companies that enforce sustainable practices. By investing your money in companies you believe in, you support your vote in more ways than one. For more information, head over to the Hope portfolio white page today.
This report is a publication of Demand Wealth. Information presented is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change.