Investing in Healthcare
In the face of COVID-19, the world is desperate to obtain what it needs to stay safe! From everyday supplies to necessary medical materials, these products are becoming increasingly challenging to find. 3M has made it clear that they are doing everything they can to improve the situation, primarily through innovative steps to rapidly bring N95 respirators to hospitals and other front-line medical fields.
Key Points
3M is looking to put their production at 50 million N95 masks per month
3M is also fighting price gouging and counterfeit products
3M’s highest priority is the safety of both the public and their own workers
Taking Action
After already doubling their production of N95 respirators, 3M is striving to do it again. In addition to producing masks faster, specialists are working with delivery channels to ensure healthcare facilities receive them as soon as possible.
As the ongoing demand for masks grows, 3M continues to explore innovative partnerships and solutions to help protect healthcare workers during this extraordinary time. The company is even collaborating with sanitizing experts to learn how to clean and reuse masks to prolong their use and make them more affordable.
3M has also taken steps to ensure that no price gouging or counterfeit products will reach customers. The company has publicly released the price list for all respirators, so buyers know exactly what they should be charged. They have also set up a hotline to help customers report any fraudulent activity and ensure the authenticity of their products.
The mantra for 3M is that it’s here to help and their top priorities are not only protecting those across the medical field, but their own employees as well. Utilizing social distancing, elevated cleaning schedules and preemptive information provided to all staff, 3M is working diligently to keep their people safe along with all of us to flatten the curve.
Do 3M’s values resonate with you? ‘Demand Vaccine’ is a portfolio centered around companies going above and beyond to flatten the coronavirus curve – including 3M. Schedule a video conference with one of our advisors for a financial planning consultation.
This report is a publication of Demand Wealth. Information presented is believed to be factual and up to date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change.