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Demand Knowledge (Blog)

How To Save Money During Divorce

How to Save Money During Divorce: Save Yourself a Few Zeroes

When you set out to get married, you don’t envision your spouse going from hero to zero or that the financial focus would ever shift from flowers and cake to who keeps the house or gets the labradoodle. Unlike the newlywed stage, you might not have your finances or life in alignment when getting divorced…
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Bible Verses About Money


What does the bible say about money? A lot, actually. In fact, the word “money” is used over 140 times in the Bible – that’s more mentions than prayer, healing, and mercy! If you do a quick search online, you’ll find an endless supply of articles detailing the Bible’s wisdom concerning debt, tithing and all…
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Video Game Stocks’ Success During COVID-19

Investing in Video Game Stocks It is no secret that many industries have struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the world self-quarantining and avoiding all non-essential public appearances, sectors such as events, hospitality and travel are understandably taking big hits. Countless small businesses have closed their doors! Hair and beauty salons are non-existent and restaurants…
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Investing In Healthcare: How 3M Is Flattening the COVID-19 Curve

Investing in Healthcare In the face of COVID-19, the world is desperate to obtain what it needs to stay safe! From everyday supplies to necessary medical materials, these products are becoming increasingly challenging to find. 3M has made it clear that they are doing everything they can to improve the situation, primarily through innovative steps…
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Fossil Fuels: Are You Wearing Petroleum-Based Clothing?

When you think of the top contributor to pollution, the oil industry is probably a safe guess. However, designer Eileen Fisher boldly points out that the clothes we wear may be a close second. While many are quick to question the integrity behind that claim, a climate change and textiles study found that the fashion industry is…
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