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Demand Knowledge (Blog)

How Investing In Tesla is Investing In Healthcare

Life-saving supplies are in high demand during this global pandemic and ventilators can be the difference between life and death for a patient! Tesla CEO Elon Musk, true to his philanthropic-style, has stepped forward and offered the company’s vast resources in this urgent time of need. Key Points Elon Musk donated over 1,000 ventilators to…
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The CARES Act and Your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

These are trying times for the American people due to issues such as the public health crisis, unemployment and increased market volatility. The federal government has passed the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act to reduce some financial stress during this pandemic. This act reallocated $2 trillion to battle the effects of COVID-19…
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‘Demand Inheritance’ Portfolio Stages

  The Legacy Stage (0-6 months): 100% Bonds- The Legacy Stage is a low-risk model of investing for those who have just received an inheritance. Safety, security, and short-term bonds are the focus of the Legacy Stage. Short-term bonds are fixed-income instruments that take less time to mature; lower risk/ lower return. These bonds can…
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Are Republican Presidents Better for the Stock Market?

President Trump argues that the stock market has flourished with him in the oval. For example, the incumbent told reporters it is the “highest stock market in history” and “the reason our stock market is so successful is because of [him].” His claim alludes to a broader belief that the stock market fares better under…
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Our Position on the Stock Market in Light of the Coronavirus

It goes without saying that the coronavirus has had a huge impact on the daily lives of Americans. States are mandating lockdowns; the economy has taken a massive hit and most Americans are primarily concerned with the safety of their family. While the stock market is down over 15% from its peak on February 19…
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