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Demand Knowledge (Blog)

Greenwashing Examples


What is “Greenwashing” and are you falling prey to it? Think about a landfill. Trash, trash and more trash, right? But what if you peeked into that pile and saw last week’s bag of recycling? Or the biodegradable products that you paid extra for, lying next to soiled pizza boxes and old tennis shoes? We…
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Are Women Better Investors Than Men?

Growing up in this era, women have been told that “it’s a man’s world” more times than they can count. The stereotype of the businessman remains at the forefront of everyone’s mind. However, these preconceived notions of what it looks like to be successful in business don’t actually align with the realities of today. If we…
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6 Financial Topics You Probably Haven’t Discussed with Your Fiance

Discussing money with your spouse or partner is never easy. Such conversations can be difficult because they involve a degree of honesty and vulnerability about a very sensitive part of your life. 69% of adults in committed relationships report avoiding talking about finances to prevent some sort of argument. But, honesty serves as the foundation…
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What Are ESG Investments

How to Reduce Waste: 5 Easy Swaps for a Better Planet

Wondering how to reduce waste without making big sacrifices in your day-to-day life? Your social media feed is inundated with hashtags, advertisements, and sponsored influencers advocating environmental conservation. There is a misconception, however, that doing one’s part to help the environment can be difficult, time-consuming and even costly. While it’s true that some Eco-friendly options are challenging…
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Cruelty Free Investing


Veganism extends far beyond your diet, which is why cruelty-free investing is so essential to maintain a truly vegan lifestyle. If you’re already vegan, you know that it takes more commitment than most people understand, but that ethically, it’s worth it. You must always be conscious about what you are putting into and on your…
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